Some of our references in services and training:
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy (MPTEN) Guinea |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of the National Strategy for the Digitalization of the State and the Digital Economy |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Support from the Prime Minister's Office for the implementation of the IS governance framework within the Prime Minister's Office (Committees and responsibilities) |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Support from the Prime Minister's Office for the establishment of a reference framework for processes and procedures for governance and management of the IS |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
FO_SRV: Training services |
Training of IT specialists in the Information Technology Services Department (ITD) |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of an Information System Master Plan for the benefit of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso |
Ministry of Justice LESOTHO |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Diagnosis and Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Judicial Records Management System and Development of a Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Lesotho |
National Agency for State Information Systems (ANSIE)
Djibouti |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of the strategy for scaling and deploying digital services |
Ministry of Information and Communication
Sierra leone |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study for the implementation of a document workflow and tracking system (DTWS) |
National Agency for State Information Systems (ANSIE)
Djibouti |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study and implementation of an Integrated Electronic Document Management System (SIGED) on behalf of the Djibouti administration |
Ministry of Finance and National Development (MINFAND)
Eritrea |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study for the implementation of a new Integrated Public Finance Management System (SIGFIP) and the development of technical and functional specifications of SIGFIP |
Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Nigeria |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Design, development and Implementation of Driving School Standardization Program Portal (DSSP) |
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Togo |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study and technical assistance relating to the implementation of the Integrated Public Finance Management System (SIGFIP) solution |
Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA)
Ivory Coast |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Carrying out a diagnostic study of the IT system of the Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA) and Assistance to Project Management (AMOA) for the acquisition of IT solutions and infrastructures |
Ministry of Public Works of Mauritania / UNDP
Mauritania |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Global audit of the information system and development of an IT master plan for the government HRMIS, Ministry of Public Works Mauritania / UNDP |
National Social Security Fund (CNSS) Gabon |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Support in information security risk management with ISO 27005 + MEHARI |
Ministry of Public Service of Mauritania |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Development of the Information Systems Security Master Plan |
National Pensions Commission (NPC) Nigeria |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development and implementation of the IT strategy, Urbanization of the Information System according to the TOGAF standard and Assistance to Project Management for the optimization of IT processes (COBIT 5, ITIL, PMBoK, PRINCE 2) |
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Ivory Coast |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Business Process Reengineering (None sovereign Operations, Public Sector Operations, Budget Management) as part of the DAPEC initiative |
African Guarantee Fund (AGF) Kenya |
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Support for the GARI/AGF IS merger, Business Process Reengineering, Project Management Assistance for the implementation of an integrated management system, Development of the security policy and the information system master plan |
African Guarantee Fund (with offices in Nairobi, Lome and Mauritius) Kenya |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Business Process Reengineering and Assistance for the Analysis, Design and Implementation of the Integrated Management Information System (MIS) of the African Guarantee Fund (with offices in Nairobi, Lomé and Mauritius) |
African Guarantee Fund (AGF) Kenya |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Development of a credit scoring model and a pricing model |
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Ivory Coast |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Reengineering of business processes and digital transformation of the Bank |
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Nigeria |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) ISMS Governance |
Holding of the Regional Solidarity Bank group (BRS) Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Niger, Benin, Togo |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Definition of an information security master plan according to the ISO 27001 standard |
Holding of the Regional Solidarity Bank group (BRS) Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Niger, Benin, Togo |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Security audit and definition of an information security policy |
Regional Solidarity Bank Group (BRS) Senegal |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Urbanization of the Information System; Implementation and integration of incident databases and development of the IT Disaster Recovery Plan (PSI) and the Service Continuity Plan in accordance with best practices (ITIL v3, ISO 27002, COBIT 5, CMMI). |
Ministère des Finances et du Développement National (MEFDN) Erythrée |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage (AMOA) / Assistance technique (AT) pour la mise en place du Système Intégré de Gestion des Finances Publiques (SIGFIP) du Ministère des Finances et du Développement National (MEFDN) de l’Erythrée |
Direction générale des Douanes (DGD)
Ivory Coast |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Elaboration du catalogue de services de la Direction Générale des Douanes (DGD) de Côte d’Ivoire |
Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI CI) Côte d'Ivoire |
FO_SRV: Services de formations |
Renforcement des capacités de l’équipe HelpDesk et élaboration d’un cadre organisationnel de la fonction helpdesk (Centre d’assistance) |
Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI CI) Côte d'Ivoire |
TC_ASP: Services Applicatifs , Solution et Produit |
État des lieux, études organisationnelle, fonctionnelle et technique et l’élaboration d’un cahier de charges pour la mise en place d’un outil de helpdesk au sein de la DGI |
Office Togolaise des Recettes (OTR) Togo |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Réingénierie des procédures en vue de la mise en place d’un système de Gestion Électronique des Documents (GED) au sein de l’Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR) |
Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI CI) Côte d'Ivoire |
TC_ASP: Services Applicatifs , Solution et Produit |
Mise en place de la dématérialisation et la gestion électronique des documents (GED/SAE) au sein de la Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI) |
Direction Générale des Douanes (DGD CI) Côte d'Ivoire |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Elaboration du nouveau Schéma Directeur du Système d’Information (SDSI) pour la periode de 2021 - 2025 de la Direction Générale des Douanes |
Inspection Générale d'Etat (IGE) Côte d'Ivoire |
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Elaboration du Schéma Directeur du Système d’Information (SDSI) de l'Inspection Générale de l'Etat |
Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR) Togo |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Elaboration du Schéma Directeur du Système d’Information (SDSI) |
Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR) Togo |
TC_ASP: Services Applicatifs , Solution et Produit |
Assistance technique pour la mise en place d’un système de Gestion Électronique des Documents (GED) au sein de l’Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR) |
Autorité fiscale du Lesotho (LRA - Lesotho Revenue Authority) Lesotho |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Business Process Management (BPM), Méthodes Agiles et développement du Business Process Management framework et Enterprise Agile framework |
Ghana Revenu Authority (Autorité fiscal du Ghana) Ghana
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Etude de faisabilité, spécification et conception de solutions ciblées pour la facilitation du commerce |
Ghana Revenue Authority (Autorité fiscale du Ghana) Ghana
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Appui à la mise en œuvre des systèmes de gestion des risques du Centre pour le Commerce et des douanes du Ghana |
Nigeria Customs Service (Service des douanes du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Étude de faisabilité, spécification et conception de solutions ciblées pour la facilitation du commerce |
Nigeria Customs Services (Service des douanes du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Analyse des processus d'affaires et mise en œuvre du système de gestion des risques douaniers du Nigéria et du portail du Centre pour le Commerce du Nigéria |
Ministère de l’economie et des finances du Sénégal Senegal |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Audit global du système d'information et développement de la gouvernance de la sécurité de l'information |
Nigéria Customs Service (Service des douanes du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Étude de faisabilité d'un guichet unique national pour la facilitation du commerce au Nigéria |
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances du Niger / Banque Mondiale Niger |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Assistance Technique Informatique pour la Composante Système d'Information du Programme de Réforme Financière du Ministère |
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances du Sénégal Sénégal |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Audit de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information du Ministère |
Ministère des Finances du Niger Niger |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Assistance SI à la composante Système d’Information Financière du Projet de Renforcement des Capacités du Niger (PRC) |
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances Niger |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Elaboration du Schéma Directeur Informatique et des Systèmes d'information |
Ghana Revenue Authority (Autorité fiscale du Ghana) Ghana |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Assistance à Maitrise d’ouvrage pour la mise en œuvre du portail d’information commerciale du Ghana et d’un Système de management des risques |
Direction Générale des Impôt, Ministère des Finances du Niger Niger |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Assistance à la mise en œuvre du Système Informatisé de Suivi des Impôts et des Contribuables (SISIC) et élaboration d’un plan de mise en œuvre du SISIC |
Nigeria Customs Services (Service des douanes du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Elaboration du Schéma Directeur Informatique et modernisation du système d’information des services douaniers du Nigéria |
Nigeria Customs Services (Service des douanes du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Etude de faisabilité organisationnelle, fonctionnelle et technique du Système de Guichet Unique pour le Commerce Internationale de la République Fédérale du Nigeria. |
Projet de Renforcement des Capacités du Niger (PRC) – Ministère des Finances, Niamey-Niger / Banque Mondiale Niger |
CO_DIT: Digital and IT transformation |
Assistance Technique internationale pour la définition d’un plan d’action informatique au sein du Ministère des Finances du Niger |
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy (MPTEN) Guinea |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of the National Strategy for the Digitalization of the State and the Digital Economy |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Support from the Prime Minister's Office for the implementation of the IS governance framework within the Prime Minister's Office (Committees and responsibilities) |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Support from the Prime Minister's Office for the establishment of a reference framework for processes and procedures for governance and management of the IS |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
FO_SRV: Training services |
Training of IT specialists in the Information Technology Services Department (ITD) |
Prime Minister's Office of Burkina Faso |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of an Information System Master Plan for the benefit of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso |
Ministry of Justice LESOTHO |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Diagnosis and Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Judicial Records Management System and Development of a Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Lesotho |
National Agency for State Information Systems (ANSIE)
Djibouti |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of the strategy for scaling and deploying digital services |
Ministry of Information and Communication
Sierra leone |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study for the implementation of a document workflow and tracking system (DTWS) |
National Agency for State Information Systems (ANSIE)
Djibouti |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study and implementation of an Integrated Electronic Document Management System (SIGED) on behalf of the Djibouti administration |
Ministry of Finance and National Development (MINFAND)
Eritrea |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study for the implementation of a new Integrated Public Finance Management System (SIGFIP) and the development of technical and functional specifications of SIGFIP |
Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Nigeria |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Design, development and Implementation of Driving School Standardization Program Portal (DSSP) |
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Togo |
TC_ASP: Application Services, Solution and Product |
Feasibility study and technical assistance relating to the implementation of the Integrated Public Finance Management System (SIGFIP) solution |
Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA)
Ivory Coast |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Carrying out a diagnostic study of the IT system of the Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA) and Assistance to Project Management (AMOA) for the acquisition of IT solutions and infrastructures |
Ministry of Public Works of Mauritania / UNDP
Mauritania |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Global audit of the information system and development of an IT master plan for the government HRMIS, Ministry of Public Works Mauritania / UNDP |
National Social Security Fund (CNSS) Gabon |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Support in information security risk management with ISO 27005 + MEHARI |
Ministry of Public Service of Mauritania |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Development of the Information Systems Security Master Plan |
National Pensions Commission (NPC) Nigeria |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development and implementation of the IT strategy, Urbanization of the Information System according to the TOGAF standard and Assistance to Project Management for the optimization of IT processes (COBIT 5, ITIL, PMBoK, PRINCE 2) |
Autonomous Port of Dakar (PAD) Senegal |
CO_ARS1: IS Audit and IT Risk |
Implementation of IT governance and project management tools within the PAD according to the PMBoK, ITIL and COBIT 5 standards |
Federal Road Safety Corps (Federal Agency for Transport Regulation and Road Safety) Nigeria |
CO_BTR2: Enterprise Architecture |
Audit of the organizational and information systems inventory and development of the Enterprise Architecture and the IT Master Plan according to the TOGAF and ITIL v3 standards |
AGEROUTE Senegal |
CO_APT1: Project / Program Management |
Support for setting up a project management office (PMO) |
Nigeria Port Authority (Autorité portuaire du Nigéria) Nigeria |
CO_DIT4: Business analysis and IT AMOA |
MOA / MOE assistance for IS projects with the PRINCE 2 standard |
National Refining Company (SONARA) Cameroun |
CO_DIT2: Governance, Strategy and IT Planning |
Support for SONARA in setting up an IS governance and management framework according to ITIL and COBIT standards, in the urbanization of the IS and the development of the Information System Master Plan (SDSI) - (Master plan for the development of the information system and telecommunications) |
British American Tobacco Senegal |
TC_ASP-P: Enterprise Software Solutions / Products |
Project management assistance for the implementation of a stock management system that can be used within the various country subsidiaries attached to the regional office |
JNP Benin |
CO_DIT4: Business analysis and IT AMOA |
Consulting services for the upgrade of the IS and Project Management Assistance (AMOA) for the implementation of the JNP ERP |
SENELEC Senegal |
CO_BTR5: Governance and Enterprise Risk Management |
IT Governance Program - Implementation of governance and project management processes (PMO) according to the PMBoK and PRINCE2 standards, Implementation of governance and information system management processes according to the ITIL v3 and COBIT 5 standards, Development of the Information System Master Plan and a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) |
National Refining Company (SONARA) Cameroun |
CO_DIT2: Governance, Strategy and IT Planning |
Support for SONARA in setting up an IS governance and management framework according to ITIL and COBIT standards, in the urbanization of the IS and the development of the Information System Master Plan (SDSI) - (Master plan for the development of the information system and telecommunications) |
British American Tobacco Senegal |
TC_ASP-P: Enterprise Software Solutions / Products |
Project management assistance for the implementation of a stock management system that can be used within the various country subsidiaries attached to the regional office |
Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Togo, Senegal |
CO_DAI1: Strategy and Data Management Consulting |
Development of documentary databases and prospective analysis for collaboration, production, dissemination and access to digital educational resources for primary and secondary education in French-speaking sub-Saharan African countries - Lot 1: Modeling and Operationalization - UNESCO |
Government of Nigeria / Office of the Accountant General Nigeria |
CO_DIT2: Governance, Strategy and IT Planning |
Nigerian Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) Gap Analysis and ICT Strategy Definition (Phase 1); |
Government of Senegal / Ministry of Youth and Employment of Senegal Senegal |
CO_APT1: Project / Program Management |
Gap analysis and study of projects and programs for monitoring and evaluating youth employment in Senegal and assistance in project management for the implementation of an Integrated Monitoring and Information System (MIS) for youth employment in Senegal |
Ministry of Planning, Regional Development and Community Development (MP/AT/DC) – PAMOGEF Niger |
CO_DIT2: Governance, Strategy and IT Planning |
Development of the Master Plan for Information and Telecommunications Systems (SDSIT) of the Ministry of Planning, Regional Development and Community Development (MP/AT/DC) of Niger |
Ministry of Public Service of Mauritania / UNDP
Mauritania |
CO_DIT3: Service management and implementation of IS reference frameworks |
Development of the IT and Information Systems Master Plan for the Ministry of Public Service of Mauritania / UNDP |
Niger Basin Authority(NBA) Niger |
CO_APT1: Project / Program Management |
Assistance to Project Management for the establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation Information System for the P-DREGDE Program. |
Orange ivory coast
Ivory Coast |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
“Orange Côte d’Ivoire Telecom Information Systems Security Governance” Program |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Support in the implementation of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) compliant with ISO/IEC 27001 standard for GALAXY BACKBONE of Nigeria |
Interswitch Nigeria |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Interswitch ISMS Governance |
GIE GAINDE 2000 (www.gainde2000.sn) Senegal, Burkina, Kenya |
CO_ARS: Audit, IT risk and information security |
Support for GAINDE 2000 in setting up an Information Security Management System (ISMS) for its development and production activities of IT solutions relating to the dematerialization of foreign trade procedures at the Single Window for Foreign Trade Operations in Senegal with a view to ISO 27001 certification |
Cours Sainte Mariste de Hann (CSMH) Senegal |
CO_DIT: Digital transformation and IT |
Development of the Information and Telecommunications System Master Plan (SDSIT) |
Ministry of Civil Service, Employment and Integration
Mauritania |
CO_BTR: Business Transformation (Company) |
Technical and financial study for the design and implementation of an integrated information system for the employment sector in Mauritania. |
- Fann University Hospital Center ,
- Dakar (Business analysis and IT AMOA)