Team coaching is long-term support for the leader and all the members of the team, the objective of which is to optimize cooperation .
Individual Coaching is a tailor-made accompaniment
Team Building: A Process for Collective Performance
Improve the collective performance of your teams through group coaching tailored to the realities of your organization
QUALISYS Consulting offers “tailor-made” Team Buildings for your groups of employees, spread over one or more.
Team buildings provides enjoyable learning opportunities for employees, promoting cohesion and strengthening the sense of belonging.
Whether your team is new or wants to align around new issues, or wants to strengthen the quality of relationships, QUALISYS Consulting supports the highlights of your team for a few days or even months as needed.
The team becomes aware of its functioning and gradually becomes a group of employees united around common ambitions and modes of operation.
Among all the aspects of the organization affected by ongoing changes, the notion of team is particularly concerned. The latter tends to disappear more and more to make way for the notion of community:
Managers or leaders often manage projects involving many people who do not belong to their teams.
QUALISYS Consulting is organized by skills and by organization and disrupts traditional hierarchies and organizational charts.
Freelancers are increasingly numerous and represent living forces of the team that must be learned to integrate
Many changes that reinforce the need for teams to be accompanied
Team coaching differs from traditional “team building” in terms of duration and frequency. It makes it possible to bring together individualities around the group’s modes of operation to strengthen its ability to work together and collaborate. Its objective is to support over time the dynamics and collective intelligence around the success of ambitious projects.
QUALISYS Consulting studies with you the present situation, diagnoses the needs of your team with regard to the desired situation.”
Individual Coaching: tailor-made support
Develop new skills and postures in the company of certified coaches, selected for the quality of their expertise and their business experience.
For the accompanied person, individual coaching is a performance lever, allowing them to take a step back from their posture and their function in order to grow and develop.
During the sessions, the professional coach acts as a "sparring-partner", a "stimulator" of reflection.
The coachee can thus gain height and develop a new perspective of his thoughts and behaviors.
Our approach is to :
Define with the management (DG/HRD) the expected results of the coaching
Develop a relationship of trust and closeness with the coachee
Improve self-knowledge and especially strengths and talents
Become aware of inappropriate or inefficient behaviors
Provide tools and concrete solutions
Align the leader and his team around the objectives and the optimal modes of cooperation to achieve them.
Favorise trust and open communication between team members.
Improve team efficiency and collaboration.Open dialogue between team members in order to resolve misunderstandings, conflicts or misunderstandings and to understand each other.
Renforce co-responsibility and autonomy.
Help everyone to get to know each other better and to recognize the richness of the diversity of the team.
Upstream time is devoted to discovering the team in order to clarify the objectives, needs and challenges. The objectives are defined in collaboration with the team leader and the team itself. Progress indicators are defined with the coach.
Encounter with the manager and team members to cross-reference perceptions, define the objectives of the seminar and team coaching.
Interviews individual members of the team and some stakeholders if necessary.
Restitution the needs and requests of the team and the manager intended to calibrate the objectives and methods of support.
Accompaniement in coaching mode over several days in order to develop new modes of cooperation.
Balance sheet progress of the team at the end of the accompaniment.
Each team coaching is tailor-made for the team, taking into account the needs for change and the priorities in terms of cooperation and efficiency.
High potentials
Junior managers Cross-functional project manager
Confirmed managers
Managers taking office
Managers in transition
Managers in expatriation