Qualisys Consulting provides industrial solutions and applications to integrate these data analytics capabilities into your business processes and professional Big Data consulting services to help reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and facilitate your data analytics journey. Data Management and Data Science. Data is vital for all businesses. It allows organizations to innovate in unprecedented ways. Data management involves collecting, ingesting, storing, organizing, and keeping a company’s data up-to-date. Digital cities will transform urban life on a daily basis, so QUALISYS Consulting experts prepare your company for the future through these training courses. Master Data Management: mastering your business repositories. Data Science – The Fundamentals. Decision Support Systems – Concepts and Architectures. Big Data – The Essentials. Data Scientist Curriculum. Data Analyst Curriculum. Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Technologies. The evolution of information and communication technologies, particularly with the development of the Internet, has made networks and information systems now play a crucial role in our society, where the security of our citizens is not marginalized. Attacks are becoming more frequent, so it is necessary to know how we can protect our confidential information. That’s why it’s important to develop capabilities in cybersecurity and information security Intelligence Artificial (AI) – Synthesis Machine Learning – Synthesis Process Automation by Robotics (RPA). Internet of Things and Connected Objects Emerging / Disruptive Technologies: Synthesis SERVICE TRAINING
Data is vital for all businesses. They allow organizations to innovate in new ways. Data management consists of collecting, ingesting, storing, organizing and keeping up to date a company’s data. Digital cities will transform daily urban life, so QUALISYS Consulting experts through these training courses prepare your business for the future.
Master Data Management: mastering your business repositories
Data Science – The fundamentals
Business intelligence systems – Concepts and architectures
Big Data – The essentials
Data Scientist course
Data Analyst curriculum
The evolution of information and communication technologies, in particular with the development of the Internet, has meant that networks and information systems now play a crucial role in our society, whose security of our citizens is not is not marginalized. Attacks are more and more frequent, so it is necessary to know how we can protect our confidential information. This is why it is important to develop capacities on cybersecurity and information security.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Synthesis
Machine Learning – Synthesis
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Internet of things and connected objects
Emerging / Disruptive Technologies: The Synthesis